Friday, February 13, 2009

Great Travel Day

Greetings from Marion Illinois - we are about 7 hours from our final destination in Decatur GA.  It's been a wonderful travel day, traffic was light, weather was good and we even had a stop that included a walk!   Ha!  The mileage begins again ;-)

Tomorrow will be the final push, we arrive in our new hometown, start to unload the van - but wait, first thing I want to do is go for a walk around the neighborhood.  You see, it's been almost 4 solid months that I've had to check the windchill, determine what type of clothing to wear, and then devise a route that would be somewhat safe from ice, snow, and large puddles.   Ahhh, to be able to put on a light jacket and walk right out the door and around the block without wearing ice joggers - can this really be happening?!

Time to get some zzzzzs and then off we go into the wild green yonder ;-)

walk on!

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